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Artist vs. Agency Team
Artist vs. Agency Team

Wether you're an agency or an artist, learn what the right team type is for you.

Updated over a week ago

Understanding the Difference Between an Artist and Agency Team on Stagent

Stagent is a platform designed for artists and agencies to help you automate and manage the workflow and day-to-day processes related to bookings. It is a powerful tool for both parties to generate contracts, keep track of itineraries and automate payments. However, if you are new to Stagent, you may be wondering about the difference between an artist and agency team. In this article, we will explain the distinction between the two and how it affects your experience on Stagent.

What is an Artist on Stagent?

An artist on Stagent is an individual or group of individuals who create and showcase their own work. This can include musicians, visual artists, photographers, writers, and more. Artists use Stagent to manage their own bookings and appointments and share the details within your team.

What is an Agency Team on Stagent?

An agency team on Stagent is a group of individuals who represent and manage the bookings of multiple artists. These agencies can range from small boutique agencies to large, well-known companies. Agency teams use Stagent to promote their roster of artists and manage their bookings and schedules.

What is the Difference Between an Artist and Agency Team on Stagent?

The main difference between an artist and agency team on Stagent is the number of individuals they represent. An artist represents themselves and their own work, while an agency team represents multiple artists.

Another difference is the level of control and involvement in the booking process. As an artist, you have full control over your bookings and can negotiate directly with clients. However, as a member of an agency team, your bookings may be managed by the agency and you may have less control over the negotiation process.

Which One Should You Choose?

Whether you choose to join Stagent as an artist or as part of an agency team depends on your personal preferences and career goals. If you are an independent artist looking to promote your own work and have full control over your bookings, then joining as an artist may be the best option for you. However, if you are part of an agency team and want to expand your network and resources, then joining as an agency team may be more beneficial.


In summary, the main difference between an artist and agency team on Stagent is the number of individuals they represent and the level of control in the booking process. Both options have their own benefits and it ultimately depends on your personal preferences and career goals. We hope this article has helped you understand the distinction between the two and has guided you in making the best decision for your career on Stagent.

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