Manage region checks in Stagent
The region check can generally be configured in the agency settings or customized per artist in the team settings. When creating a booking, Stagent will automatically check for potential conflicts within the specified date and distance range. If no conflicts are found within this range, it is safe to proceed with the booking.
If there are any matches, you’ll be notified and can press the conflicts message to open a new dialog box where you can review whether the booking can be accepted. Clicking on one of these conflicts opens the specific booking in a new tab. This ensures you avoid overlapping bookings and manage artist availability effectively.
Step 1: Log in to Your Stagent Account
First, log in to your Stagent account to access your team settings.
Step 2: Access Your Team Settings
Once logged in, click on your name and avatar at the bottom left corner of the menu. From here, you can view invitations to other teams and access your personal and team settings.
Step 3: Go to the Settings Page
On the personal settings page, you can manage your team-wide defaults and team-wide preferences. Scroll down until you find your region check settings.
Step 4: Manage your team region check
Select your preferred amount of days before and days after the new event and radius of the check performed. Once you saved your team settings on the top of the page, the regio check will automatically be applied to any new event you create.
Step 5: Specify artist regio check
If you want to exclude a specific artist from the regio check or otherwise overrule a specific artist's regio check, start by accessing the specific artist through your roster. In the artist profile, press on the icon to access the artist settings.
Step 6: Overwrite or disable specific artist regio check
Scroll down to access the artists specific regio check and choose to overwrite or disable the team's regio check.
Don't forget to press ''save'' next to the settings to ensure the changes are correctly stored.