Exploring contract settings

This short article explains the different contract settings. Go to your team’s settings and find ‘Contracts’ within the documents section to access the following options:

  • Default contract mode: Stagent offers different contract modes to determine how fees are presented in contracts. Contracts can either follow the invoice mode you’ve selected or have their own mode. The options include:
    • Follow invoice mode

      This setting mirrors the invoice mode, ensuring consistency between your invoices and contracts.

    • Single invoice: combined fees

      Generates a contract that consolidates both the artist fee and booking fee into one total amount. It’s straightforward, showing the buyer a single figure without separating costs.

    • Single invoice: specified fees

      Creates a contract that separates the artist fee and booking fee into distinct line items, providing transparency while still consolidating the fees into one document.

  • Name format: Adjust how numbers are displayed on your contracts. You can choose from a variety of tags to structure the format to your liking.
  • Next contract number: Set the starting number for your next contract to ensure matching sequential order with existing contracts or start fresh.
  • Due days: The default number of days from when the contract was sent until it is due.
  • Default signer: You can specify a default signer from your agency team if the signer is always a specific person. By default, the signer will be the person sending the contract.
  • Attach artist press kit(s): Enable this option to include download links for artist press kits on the contract, allowing the buyer to easily access them upon agreement. Only complete press kits will be shown, containing at least a bio and one media item.
  • BCC recipient: Add a default BCC email address for every contract sent, ensuring a copy is always sent to the desired recipient.

These options help you customize contracts to suit your preferences. Don’t forget to hit 'save' after making changes to apply these settings.

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